Incubator Village
There are needs for affordable housing. The real-estate market makes it impossibly expensive to live here. Without them, there is no chance for young generation to become community member. How to make them? Cost wise, choices are limited. Construction has limited options for cost cutting. Quantity and Quality trade. Prefabrication and/or unit size reduction have been long studied.
Some clustered developments have been built. Most of them are separated, not integrated, with the community. Community needs it, but people do not like them being afraid that they will devaluate their properties. Code reflects the anxiety, not the positive needs. Nothing has effectively changed the course. We might need a brain storming beyond just looking for cheaper construction.
Art Space, a not-for-profit, gives us one hint as it effectively builds artists’ studios/shop complexes. Starting with a subsidized property, it creates an artist community that also attracts visitors – offering a neighborhood destination and changing points of interest (exhibits, events, etc.). Lessons from it: Use any possible opportunity, tax exemption, subsidization, donation, … to start with.
Live/Workplace, which creates income to support the facility. Sharing facilities, spaces, equipment, activations. Invitation to visitors to promote revitalization of area.
New approaches need to be studied from multiple views and aspects: social, economic, political, construction, planning, and design ideas.